Sunday, March 8, 2009

07.03.2009 - Saturday

Last night I wasn’t able to fall asleep till like 2am for some reason, so since I couldn’t sleep, I turned my computer on and I went onto and upload some photos. Wow, the internet was SO fast, probably because no one was using it at 2am!! Ha, I was able to upload an entire album plus other pictures as well!! It was fabulous!! Then I went back to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly. :) I got up at 8:30am and Ryan called me around 9am, as I was eating bfast. Cassie told me I could use her milk for my cereal, so I took her up on that and went down to her room after I was ready for the day and got some milk. Then I went back up to my room to eat and Ry called, perfect timing!! :) At 9:45, Cassie and I left for Roma!! We got to Porta Fiorentina (train station right near the hotel that Nan and my mom are going to stay at in April!!!) and noticed that the train for Roma wasn’t coming until 10:55, we thought it was leaving at 10:02, so we had some time to kill!! :) We both sat down inside and waited for the train and while we waited, we played Russia (Tetris) to pass the time. Once we got to Roma, we took a metro and ended up at H&M. It’s a clothing store, like Forever 21. I guess there are some H&M stores in the states, but none in AZ. Rumor out is that there is one going down on Mill, that would be fun! :) The store was pretty cute. I ended up buying a coral jacket and some accessories!! :) Much needed of course!! Haha. We were in there for quite some time because it had 4 levels!! After H&M, we were both hungry and Cass wanted to fill her meat craving (she couldn’t eat meat yesterday because of Lent) so we decided that Hard Rock was the best way to do so!! Ha, its our new hang out, I am pretty sure they know us by name by now!! Ha. I got a cheese burger today with an iced tea, very delish!! After Hard Rock, we stopped at a gelato shop and both got a little treat. It has been probably close to a month since I have had gelato, so I decided to get one. I got caffé and mint chocolate chip!! As we ate our gelati, we walked back to the shops to see if we could find anything else. O man, the later it got, the more crowded it became!! It was ridiculous!! We went into a store named Zara (reminds me of you sister…not only the name, but the clothes, you would love them) and I bought a crazee shirt, I love it!! Then we hit up a few more stores and then went back to the metro to get to the train station. The train for Viterbo was at 8:06pm, so we waited at the station for like an hour, didn’t want to miss it!! :) Since I had to go to the bathroom really bad, I was able to find one at the station. You have to pay for everything here in Italy like water at restaurants and the restrooms everywhere. So I paid and went into the bathroom that I found and I couldn’t do it!!! What happens is the bathroom gets washed after each person uses it, like water sprays the ENTIRE bathroom down and when you walk in, everything is soaking wet. I looked at the toilet and it was fine, but there was water still spraying and it freaked me out, so I opened the door and Cassie told me to go back in because she knew how bad I had to go and I told her no. Luckily I didn’t because once that door closed, all you could hear was water spraying everywhere, I would have gotten soaked if I went back in!!! Crazeeness!! So I chose to hold it the entire way back to Viterbo. The train was extremely crowded and unfortunately someone had the most disgusting SPD’s!!!! :/ They smelled like broccoli!! Cassie and I were both dying!!! I am sorry to share this with you, but at least you didn’t have to experience it and smell for yourself!! I swear just as you got a breath of fresh air, broccoli was back lingering in the air!! Wow, SO disgusting, my eyes were tearing. Ok, enough of that, bad memories!! I got home around 10pm and turned on my computer. The internet was extremely slow so I turned it off and got ready for bed. :) What a great weekend, I am still in amazement about the Sistine Chapel and how I was able to take so many pictures!! :) Talk about perfect timing!!

I hope you all had a great weekend as well!!

Love and miss you all!!

CIAO!!! :)

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