Sunday, February 15, 2009

12.02.2009 - 13.02.2009 - Thursday-Friday

Sunrise at San Marco!!
Off to the Orange Bar, with our sweet masks!!

Wow, another long past few days. It started off with Ryan calling me at 9am on Thursday morning to say goodbye and wish me a safe weekend, he is just the Align Centercutest!! After talking for 30 minutes, I got out of bed, had a bowl of cereal and then my phone rang again and it was Ry, when I answered the phone, he asked if I would be his Valentine!! :) OF COURSE baby, I LOVE YOU!! ;) It was so cute though, because he called when it was 2am his time, he is the best!! It was very sad though because this is our second year together, but second year being away from each other on Valentines Day…third time is a charm Ry, next year we will be together for sure!! :) After we hung up, he told me to check my email, so I did and he sent me tulips…to keep the tradition going, but since he couldn’t send them to me this year, he emailed me pictures of PINK and ORANGE tulips, he knows me too well!! I loved them, it was really cute!! I then sent him an email back and then I took a shower and got ready for the day. I had to do some homework as well, so I hurried and did that before 12pm when Cass and I went to the “Wind” store (my cell phone store) to purchase more minutes for this month. We bought more minutes and since we had so much time to kill, we stopped in Ipercoop for some delicious raisin croissants before we went to class. Since we were going straight from class to the train station, us 3 girls didn’t bring our books to class. We just wrote down our homework on a piece of homework, so if she called on us, we at least had the work done!! I didn’t want to have to carry my books around this weekend because we have 3 books for that class and that would have been unnecessary weight to carry around this weekend. Ha! After Italiano class, we had Survey of Art. Once the teacher walked in, I asked her if it would be okay for us to not have any breaks and just leave early for class because our train took off at 7 and class normally ends at 6:45pm. She agreed to it and still let us have a break…I am thinking she just needed a smoke break, so she let us have a break and leave early as well, it was great. So after class, we booked it to the train station and didn’t have to wait for long for the train. We had to transfer twice so our third train ended up being a sleeper. It was very interesting…first there was someone in Bethanys seat, so we had to kick him out of there and then it was us three girls along with three random guys in this sleeper cart which they turned the light off in, so it was pretty dark in it. Luckily I not only had the window seat, but Bethany was sitting next to me, so that was good!! The only bad thing was the “heater” was blowing out cold air and right on me…I definitely couldn’t get away from it and was not comfortable to take a nap. By the time we got to VENEZIA, it was 5am (13.02.2009 – Friday) and we couldn’t call our hotel until 8:30am to see what time check in was at. So we all (15+ USAC students) decided to walk around VENEZIA and find San Marco so we could watch the sunrise. We got to San Marco just in time – wow, was it gorgeous!! It is just so crazee how there are bridges everywhere because there is water everywhere, it was so cool walking around and just looking how the town functions on water. No cars what-so-ever…boats only, it is pretty cool!! After hanging out at San Marco for a bit, we went over to the ‘Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia’ where the Vetruvian Man is at. Of course, after we paid 6,50euros, they tell us that the Vetruvian Man is under restoration and not accessible for the public. We walked around the museum anyways and checked out a bunch of different art pieces. It was really nice being in the building though because I was FROZEN from walking around all morning and the heat was on in the building, so it felt great to defrost!! Ha, I was a little bummed about not being able to view him though, o well, next time!! :) After the museum, the girls were hungry, so we all went to lunch (Cassie, Bethany and the Iowa girls (Jenny, Amy and Beth)). Since I wasn’t all that hungry and still had a PB&J sandwich and an orange from home, I didn’t eat at the restaurant and it’s a good thing I didn’t. No one liked the pizza they ordered and it was like 15euros for the pizza and water they ordered!! :/ Bummer for them!! VENEZIA is not known for their food, they are just known for being overpriced!! :/ After lunch, we went and bought ‘water bus’ tickets…it was good because we got a student discount pass for the weekend and it worth it because it takes us everywhere we need to go to plus to Murano, which we are going to tomorrow!! :) After we purchases the tickets, we hopped on the ‘bus’ and went to our hotel. Check-in was at 12pm and we got there around 1:30pm. It was weird because where you check-in for you room is not in the same building in which your rooms are in. So after we got directions, we walked over to our place (about 10 minutes away) and our three rooms where all in the same building, so it was really convenient. Once we got to our room, we all took a 4 hour nap – it was much needed!!! After our nap, we headed over to Ipercoop to grab some food for dinner and for the weekend. I picked up salami and cheese along with some bread, milk, cereal, raisins, bananas and another box of cereal called “Tresor.” It’s Kelloggs brand and its basically Nutella filled cereal puffs…I am not going to open till I get home though, because anytime you open up anything, its gone within seconds because everyone snacks off of it and since it isn’t at our Ipercoop, I am keeping it to myself! Ha!! I don’t find that selfish, because anyone could’ve bought it for themselves as well!! :) After the grocery store, we went back home and I made myself two cheese/salami sandwiches which were pretty good I must say!! Then around 10:30pm, Cassie, the Iowa girls and I walked over to the Orange Bar where we ended up running into almost everyone from USAC (not planned). We hung out there for not even an hour and then headed back to the hotel to go to bed. Long day for tomorrow, these past few days have been long, but I loved them!! :) CIAO!!! :)

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