Wednesday, April 1, 2009

01.04.2009 - Wednesday

Last night I didn’t end up going to bed until 5am (so this morning) because I wasn’t tired at all and Ry and I were on Skype together. Once he got home from work, we were able to talk and then I went to bed and slept in until 12pm. Once I got up, I did my little workout in my room and then I had a small bowl of ‘Special K’ with a banana cut up in it and a glass of chocolate milk. After bfast, I decided to catch up on my journal (I bought a new one the other day and was still not up to date) and it took me a few hours to do so. After I was finally caught up, I cranked out a few homework assignments and at 5pm, Ry called me to say hello before he went to work!! :) In the afternoon sometime, I was informed that there would be no cuisine class tonight because our teacher is really sick and no gardens class tomorrow morning. So bummer on that, I was looking forward to the yummy home cooked meal we make!! So at 5:30pm, I left the dorms and went over to the Iowa girls’ apartment where Jenny, Amy, Cassie and I made our own dinner. We had chicken sandwiches and French fries and for dessert we had strawberry short cake…yum!! :) After dinner, we watched a movie, but I am not sure what it was called. It was funny because we watched it in black and white because their TV isn’t in color…it’s probably a good thing though that the TV wasn’t in color because the movie was pretty gory. It was basically about some brothers who kill a lot of people?? After the movie, it was 9:30pm, so Cass and I grabbed a few movies to borrow and headed home. Once I got home, I got ready for bed and watched the movie The Wedding Date. I had seen it before, but thought that I hadn’t. Now I am going to go to bed. Tomorrow I am going to Roma at around 5:30pm to catch the train and stay the night there because our flight is early Friday morning and I would die if we missed our flight!! :) Hope everyone’s Wednesday night was great!!!

Love and miss you all!!

CIAO!! :)

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