Tuesday, April 7, 2009

06.04.2009 - Monday

Ryan called me at 6am because Amanda L. sent him a message on Facebook asking if I was okay due to the Earthquake in Italy. Ryan had NO clue what she was talking about, so he did some quick research and then called me. I told him that I was fine and only had a dream of shaking, but I now know I wasn’t dreaming, it was for real!! We talked for a few minutes because it was early and I was okay, along with Viterbo, as far as I knew. Then not even 10 minutes after Ry and I hung up, my dad called me. We talked until 7am and then I figured it wasn’t going to be worth it to go back to bed for 30 minutes, so instead, I turned on my computer and did some research about the Earthquake. While my computer was turning on, I called my sister from my Italiano phone to tell her I was okay and to say hello to her because I miss her!! We only talked for a few minutes because that’s all I had on my cell, I found that out because when I went to call my mom, I didn’t have any minutes left on my phone. :( Sorry mama mia!! Once my internet was up and working, I texted Ry telling him that I was up for the day, so he called me on my dorm phone to talk. The Earthquake happened in L’Aquila which is only like 60 miles from VT!! Please pray for everyone who got injured and for those who have lost family members!! After Ry and I hung up, I ended up taking a 20 minute nap before class and then I got up and got ready. In class today, it was super boring!! I had that teacher Paolo for Survey of Art and he is just so unorganized and jumps from artist to artist without any connection, so it is confusing. The class was over at 11am, but while in class, I found out that the other dorm students felt the shaking as well, so I wasn’t crazee!! WOW, that is insane!! I guess that the dorms there in L’Aquila were destroyed!! :( What if I were studying abroad there?? O my!! After class, I took pictures of Italiano billboards because I have an assignment due tomorrow which is to take pictures of billboards and we will translate them tomorrow in class. So I took pictures and then when I got home, I went up to my room to grab some money along with my ‘green grocery bags’ and headed to Despar with Cassie. I had to get milk, bread, and a few other things to make me some meals for myself. I cannot wait to be home and have all of this in the fridge, well at least have a decent amount of milk in the fridge, that’s why I find myself going to the store so often because the biggest the milk container that is offered is 1000ml. I fly through those milk bottles. When I got home, I had to put my milk, salad, etc in the fridge downstairs in the dungeon because I can no longer use the freezer bag. It is getting hot out quick and I don’t want my milk spoiling. :( For lunch, I had a salami sandwich with a yummy fruit salad on the side. YAY, today was Monday, which means the Dr. is here. At 3pm, I went downstairs to get my Drs note, to be able to workout here in the dorms. He checked my lungs, heart beat and pressure and then signed a note for me. Once I had the note, I took it to the front desk and she informed me, ‘domani matina’ which means tomorrow morning, so I have to wait until tomorrow to workout because the head lady needs to see the note and have me fill out other paperwork as well. MAN!! I was really looking forward to working out!! :( Tomorrow it is!! Rent is due this week, so I went upstairs and got Cassie and Bethany and us three went and paid rent. I paid for April and half of May because I will be out of here on the 15th. After rent, I went with Cassie to go to Lidl to pick up Golden Puffs because we were both out. Never good when you run out of GP's!! Once I got back to the dorms, Ry called around 4:40pm and we talked for a few minutes, then I did my workout in my room and as I was about to hop in the shower, my phone rang. It was my dad!! :) Yay!! :) I LOVE when I get phone calls!! We chatted for about 30 minutes but then I had to get going because I had dinner plans. At 7pm I left the dorms with Cass and Bethany and as we were walking over to the Iowa’s girls apartment, I found 10euros on the ground!! YAY, so tonight’s dinner was paid for. Ha. I ordered chicken and potatoes. Unfortunately mine was the only bad chicken…that’s what I get for a free meal huh? It was really dry and was all dark meat…not so yummy. But it was good to see Beth (she was traveling while her family was in town and it had been over a week since I had seen her) and hang with the girlies of course. After dinner, we walked home and around 10pm, Ry called me because he was done eating lunch with my dad and was home, so we got on Skype and I stayed up till 1am and then I went to bed. When I was talking with Ry, I told him that I felt the dorms slightly shaking…I am thinking that either another Earthquake happened or an aftershock…scary!! Hopefully it just stays over there and doesn’t happen here in VT!! I would FREAK out!! :/ On a brighter note…

I love you all!!

Ciao!! :)

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